How to spend one billion dollars.
0. Travel the world and eat good food (2 million)
1. Artsy/Cultural/Renaissance Empire
1.1 Create a building to be a residence for Poets, Artists, Musicians. (Culture++ for 20 million)
1.1.1 Could be a school as well.
1.1.2 Hire top talent and local talent to create interest.
1.2 Build a greek temple. Because they're fucking awesome and nobody is doing it anymore. (100million)
1.3 Create *true-fonts* for languages tricked by Christian Roman alphabet.
1.3.1 Hire language experts, artists, programmers, psychologists. (2 million)
2. House Building Empire + Create jobs.
2.1 Hire homeless people to build houses. (20 million for 500 students)
2.1.1 Work with current firms to raise apprentices. Then, the apprentices become teachers for new builders.
2.2 Purchase land for house building resources. (15 million)
3. Commune Empire
3.1 Build a freedomland country or island type thing (? million)
4. Media Empire
4.0 Make podcasts. (0.5 million) 1camera = 5k, 2mics = 500, video editor = 100k, audio guy = 100k.
4.0.1 Now that you're rich, you can talk to anyone.
4.1 Make movie. (5 million)
4.2 Make anime. (5 million)
5. Programmer Empire
100 developers at 100k each = (10million per year) = 1% of billion.
However, *very* likely to pay off.
Some won't even need money, just a place to live and code in peace.
5.0 Or hire 5 people and make one product. z-z
5.1 The internet is 30 yrs old, pay people to build the next big websites/apps/tech. Easy money in 0-2yrs.
5.2 Hire famous/lead devs on projects to give talks, do tutorials, work on projects, lead projects. (Extremely boosts morale) (1 million per star dev)
5.3 Build a programmer commune, and keep property if money goes down. (5 million)
6. Psychedelic Revolution (? million)
I'm not really sure how to approach this one, but I think it is a Just way to spend money, liberating the every-man to explore his own mind.
6.1 Work with current research efforts + political efforts
6.2 I also think, the new language will create an artistic renaissance that may force the decriminalization.
7. Education Revolution
Build schools to actually teach kids interesting skills. (20 students + 1 teacher = 100k * 5 = 5yrs 500k) Building costs (1 million for multiple classes)
if a building only yields two classes, lets say
40 students per 1.5 million.
10 * (40st per 1.5mil) = 400st per 15mil.
10 * (400st per 15mil) = 4000st per 150mil.
4000 students after 5 years is pretty wild, and that's including all that classroom real estate that you've acquired, so it should get progressively cheaper.